' Mousse 't try this recipe!

Hello friends! I'm back and today would like to share with you the recipe for an amazing yet simple, amoussing dessert.


  1. 300 grams of double cream
  2. 2 egg yolks
  3. 3 egg whites
  4. 3 tbspn melted butter
  5. 1 cup of sugar
  6. 250g dark chocolate
  7. 1 tbspn vanilla extract


  • Using the bain marie technique, melt the dark chocolate with butter
  • Once you're happy that it's melted, move off the hob and let the mixture cool
  • Mix two egg yolks together in a separate bowl
  • In another bowl, whisk the egg whites together until peaks form and the mix has a rigid structure to it
  • Once this is done, fold this into the egg yolks and eventually into the chocolate mix from the first step and mix until smooth
  • Use 3/4 of double cream to whisk with sugar and vanilla until thickened
  • Mix in the cream with the rest of the ingredients
  • Split the mix into 6 little glasses to go in the fridge
  • Leave in the fridge (this could be any length between 2 hours and overnight)
  • Once taken out of the fridge, use the 1/4 of cream left and whisk this with vanilla and sugar until thickened to decorate the top of each layer of mousse!

Et voila!